Automation to revitalize healthcare

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet

The key to survival and success in any industry is to be able to predict and prepare for the future. The Healthcare Industry is no exception to this rule and will in fact be the epicentre of a ‘Demographic Earthquake’, experiencing a major surge in the number of people requiring medical assistance.

According to a report published by the United States Census Bureau in 2016, by 2050, the percentage of people over the age of 65 will be more than twice the percentage of young children. Therefore, it is inevitable for the Healthcare Industry as a whole and for Healthcare Outsourcing Companies to upgrade themselves with the resources, capabilities, tools and technologies to handle the future to come.

Automation in Healthcare Outsourcing

Any Healthcare process that is definable, repeatable, and rule-based has scope for automation. In addition to cutting costs, increasing compliance and providing quality, customer-centric service, RPA of the back-end processes by Healthcare Outsourcing Companies can also positively impact and allow doctors to better utilize their time. For example, physicians can focus on addressing patient needs, as opposed to performing rote, time consuming tasks such as accurately filling out multiple forms.

From Pre-registration to Bill Payment, the Healthcare Industry’s Lifecycle can largely benefit from Robotic Process Automation since the processes involved are based on pre-set rules and parameters. Some of the admin tasks that stand to benefit from RPA are:

  • Claims administration
  • Member management
  • Provider management
  • Health & Care management

Having said that, cost-saving propositions are undeniably not of much value if the customer service around the processes are not user-friendly and of the highest quality. Again, providers can stand to benefit from Healthcare Outsourcing Companies that use RPA for increased accessibility, real-time and value-added status updates, alongside timely and reliable processing for their customers and stakeholders alike.

Plan. Equip. Deliver.

One of the primary challenges faced by healthcare organizations today is managing and processing data from multiple sources. Integration across these systems is complex, labor intensive, and usually performed manually. Unfortunately, the cost of faulty data entries in the healthcare ecosystem could be catastrophic. Over a period of time, with the help of Cognitive Technology, Robotic Process Automation promises to be error-free, prompt and compliant.

RPA is not just for big enterprises with complex processes. Healthcare providers, regardless of the their size and scope can profitably utilize Robotic Process Automation, can fulfil their vision to reinvent themselves in preparation for the future.